Terms for Registration

ETH Data Archive

For registration of open source software and upload of closed source program code.

The professor(s) responsible for the software is obliged to comply with the ETH Zurich rules and regulations regarding licensing of software under an Open Source License, in particular she/he and developers of the software is/are responsible to ensure that all the required criteria to license the software under an Open Source License are fulfilled.

In addition, it is responsibility of the professor(s) to verify whether a software is listed as controlled item (i.e. needs an export license) and whether an authorization from the SECO is required. Please see here for additional information about Open Source Software and Export Control.

During the registration process at the ETH Data Archive the responsible professor, or the person designated by him/her, must accept the follwoing "Terms for registration".

By clicking the acceptance button and submitting the software, I confirm herewith that:

1. I am the professor responsible for the software, or I have developed the software within the scope of my employment contract at ETH Zurich, or I contributed to its development within the scope of my employment contract at ETH Zurich, and was authorized by the professor(s) responsible for the software and all adevelopers of the software to submit this software under an Open Source License;

2. I have entered all developers of the software;

3. The professor(s) responsible for the software and all developers of the software agree to distribute the software under an Open Source License recognized by the Open Source Initiative. The developer(s) of the software accept that they may therefore forfeit the option to license the software for a fee (of which they would receive a certain share);

4. The ETH Zurich, or the ETH Zurich unit/institute, or the professor(s) responsible for the software, or the developers of the software will never request a fee from a licensee for the distribution of the Open Source Software;

5. In case non-employees of ETH Zurich (e.g. ETH Zurich bachelor or master students, or external individuals) have contributed to the software, I have their explicit written permission to distribute their code under an Open Source License;

6. No third party has any claims in the software, meaning inter alia:

a. I did not use any code from third parties, or I have explicit written permission from that third party to modify the code and/or distribute it under an Open Source License;

b. In case I have used other open source packages and included or linked them in the software, I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the license for the included/linked code (e.g. copyleft implications of the GPL license) and those terms and conditions are compatible with the selected open source license for the software;

c. The software was not developed under a contract between ETH Zurich and a third party under which the third party has any rights in the software;

7. The uploaded files contain a file named “LICENSE”, “license.txt” or “LICENSE.TXT” that contains the explicit licensing terms of the software;

8. The ETH Zurich COPYRIGHT NOTICE (e.g. ? 2014-2021, ETH Zurich, [Institute], [Authors]; the [Institute], [Authors] are optional) is in the header of any source code file developed by an ETH Zurich employee within the scope of an employment contract at ETH Zurich;

9. I understand that, by uploading the software and selecting the OPEN repository, any person or third party can access, download and use the software when accepting the provided license, for free.

For any additional information regarding software licensing to third parties, please contact the IP & Licensing Group.

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